European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Atelier Afrique

The Enslavement of Blacks in Libya

The release of CNN's exclusive Video showing Sub Saharan African migrants being sold as slaves in Libya caused a demonstration in Paris on Saturday 18th November 2017. Le Monde's website published the following news at 2 AM on Sunday morning: Un millier de personnes manifestent à Paris contre l'esclavage en Libye (A thousand people demonstrate in Paris against slavery in Libya). According to witnesses, the number of demonstrators was nearer 6,000.  The demonstration was organised by CECCL (Collectif contre l'esclavage et les camps de concentration en Libye/Organization against Slavery and Concentration Camps in Libya) and other NGOs.

The French association SOS RACISME has published a petition on this subject and we ask you to sign it to ensure that African States, the European Union and its member States take action to terminate this enforced enslavement of Sub Saharan migrants. Please also take action with the members of your national Parliament, the European Parliament and of your Government to stop this crime. We will petition the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks to investigate this question.