European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Council of Europe

INGO Conference Summer Session 2020

Due to the pandemia it was not possible to hold a physical meeting, the INGO Conference organised 4 webinar sessions of 150 minutes each, in the mornings and afternoons of Monday and Tuesday June 22 and 23. .

You can find the detailed recordings taken of the presentations and dialogues that took place in each Webinar by clicking on INGO Conference Summer Session and reading the introductions for each webinar and some reports by different INGOs.

I will be able to upload later the written summary of the presentations and dialogues of the Tuesday Morning Webinar organised by the Education and Culture Committee shortly in both French and English.

The Conference of INGOs is keen for young members of INGOs to join the Conference and you can download a Power Point presentation about the INGO Conference for new members. Click on

Sessions of the Conference of INGOs then under 2020 Summer Session on Presentation for new INGO representatives in blue

What I found particularly interesting is:

six glossaries (dictionaries) referring to specific terms used in the Council of Europe. You can find the links on Slide 37/42:

- COMPASS :Manual for Human Rights Education for Young People

Click on List of Activities at the top: This leads to approx 58 topics for structured debates: I have only looked at two: A mosque for Sleepyville, and, Let's talk about Sex.

Click on Other languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian.

Human Rights Themes has about 20 subjects. Under Religions and Belief: one of several short anecdotes: "Every dictator uses religion to keep himself in power" (Benazir Bhutto)

- Youth partnership contains: Glossary on Youth contains 233 EU terms on integration

- Monitoring Activities (Execution) (only) contains 29 terms

- Artificial Intelligence is only in English, French and Russian

- Empowering Women in Gender Equality Glossary is, I think, only available in English: 23 pages

- ILGA Europe: The rights and problems of LGBTIQ persons is, I think, only in English and can be consulted on line or downloaded as a .pdf

As usual, on INGO Conference and Council of Europe documentation generally, there is lots and lots of useful information. And it's best to start young to assimilate it all. That is why all organizations like EN-RE require young people to take over from us oldies.